Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Social Weekend

The Weisses have had (and are going to continue to have) a very social weekend, which is exciting for us in a town where we have no family and not that many friends. Here's the rundown...

Friday night we had our friends Erik and Ivana (who just got married a week ago!) over for dinner. It was great fun, but bittersweet because they're moving to Texas on Friday. We had yummy finger foods for dinner and played Balderdash. Jeff destroyed us all and was quite proud of himself.

Then, Saturday night we got to go to Riverwalk for dinner with out-of-town friends. We only go there if someone's here from out of town. This time it was a professor friend of Jeff's and his wife. Greg, the professor, worked with the theatre department at Southwest Baptist University when Jeff was there ages ago and they've kept in touch since then. So much so that when Greg (now teaching at Indiana Wesleyan) needed a place for a student to do a summer internship, he called Jeff. So, all summer Jeff's been working with Rob-the-Intern (as he is known here in Naples). I guess Greg and another professor had quite the debate about who got to travel to Naples to observe Rob in his internship, but Greg won, so he and his wife came down for the weekend. They're seeing the two shows currently running at the theatre and took the three Weisses and Rob-the-Intern out to dinner last night. They even came to church with us this morning!

Jeff played with the band at the new church we've been visiting (we can't call it "our new church" just yet... we're still undecided if it's where we're staying) this morning for the first time. I have to say, they rocked a bit more than usual with him up there - I know that's not a surprise to anyone. Now, this evening, to finish up our weekend of being social, we're going back to church for a potluck game night. I'm looking forward to it. We're big board game nerds, so it should be fun. Plus, there's a really great nursery, so Elliott gets to play with kids his age... all of them girls... it's just him with 4 girls! That means that I'm spending the rest of my Sunday afternoon watching baseball (GO CUBS!) and cooking... I'm taking meatballs and Reese's squares. Yum.

Hope everyone else has had a great weekend, especially Noah, on his birthday. :)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

physical therapy and curriculum maps... oh my!

Let's see... only two days... not too bad! Let's catch up.

Yesterday morning I took Elliott to the pool before his first nap. Usually he's not awake very long in the morning before his nap, so we don't usually do much. However, it was a successful outing and he was completely wiped out by the time he got back home, took a bath, and finally got to take a nap. He slept until it was time for his physical therapy appointment, which I had really high hopes for. Unfortunately, Ms. Beth was not as thrilled as the rest of us with his progress. She's pretty sure that he needs braces on his feet/ankles to help him stand correctly instead of standing on the inside of his feet which he does when he actually stands. It was really discouraging. We'll get the perscription and more finalized information about the braces when we see her again next week.

Then, today Jeff took Elliott to the pool in the morning again while I went to the doctor. Nothing exciting for me, just a check-up. Jeff went to work after I got home and Elliott and I didn't leave the house again... it was a gorgeous day outside, but just to flippin' hot to enjoy the sunshine. :-( So, I spent most of the afternoon/evening working on and off on school stuff. Since I'm the team leader for third grade next year, I'm making a curriculum calendar of all the subjects to help the team with planning. It's not fun... looking at the county mandated curriculum maps for each subject and trying to sync them up onto an actual calendar. But, I'm almost done and there will be lots of grateful people when I share it. I'm also being an overachiever and creating power points to go with each of the reading vocabulary for each story. I started making/sharing them during the second half of last year, so now I'm working on the first half. Five down, ten to go (I think).

Tomorrow night our friends Eric and Ivana (who just got married on Saturday!) are coming over for dinner. I'm really looking forward to it, but it leaves me with lots of cleaning to do during the day. Joy! Our only venture out of the house tomorrow while Jeff is at work might be to Publix for groceries.

On a side note... with all of my sitting around and working on the computer, I've managed to watch several movies in the last three days... Kentucky Fried Movie, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, a disc of Sex and the City, Sliding Doors, and Star Wars Episode III. Bet which you can't guess which two of those I watched with Jeffrey. ;-)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

New Blog!

I've never done an official blog before... just on Myspace every once in a while and a few notes on Facebook... so I thought, why not try my hand at the real thing? I suppose my goal in writing this is just to keep up with everyone, let everyone know what us Weisses are up to... in a more detailed way than just Twitter and Facebook status updates.

So, to start...
I LOVE summer vacation. Early into the break I made a goal to leave the house at least once a day each day (and going down to pool totally counts as leaving the house). I've been doing pretty well with that... I think there have only been one or two days that I didn't go anywhere.
Well, yesterday morning I took Elliott to the "Can U Dig It" park. There's a really cool "dig site" there with buried artifacts... Elliott really enjoyed digging through the rocks with his shovel and dumping out his bucket. It's also got a typical park, so he got a chance to swing and that kind of stuff, too. He loves the swings. It was the only place we went yesterday, but it was a good outing. I was still picking pebbles out of his crib when I got him up this morning. :)
Today our only outing was a trip to Walmart... exciting! Not really... but I did find a black frame that holds 4 - 4x6 photos for only $3... that was pretty exciting.
Our outing tomorrow will involve physical therapy for Elliott. It's been several weeks since he's been, and I'm really excited to see what Ms. Beth has to say about how much progress he has made in the past weeks. Hopefully I'll remember that I have a blog and let you know how it goes.
I can hear The Boy playing in his crib... time to get him up and find a snack.