Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Social Weekend

The Weisses have had (and are going to continue to have) a very social weekend, which is exciting for us in a town where we have no family and not that many friends. Here's the rundown...

Friday night we had our friends Erik and Ivana (who just got married a week ago!) over for dinner. It was great fun, but bittersweet because they're moving to Texas on Friday. We had yummy finger foods for dinner and played Balderdash. Jeff destroyed us all and was quite proud of himself.

Then, Saturday night we got to go to Riverwalk for dinner with out-of-town friends. We only go there if someone's here from out of town. This time it was a professor friend of Jeff's and his wife. Greg, the professor, worked with the theatre department at Southwest Baptist University when Jeff was there ages ago and they've kept in touch since then. So much so that when Greg (now teaching at Indiana Wesleyan) needed a place for a student to do a summer internship, he called Jeff. So, all summer Jeff's been working with Rob-the-Intern (as he is known here in Naples). I guess Greg and another professor had quite the debate about who got to travel to Naples to observe Rob in his internship, but Greg won, so he and his wife came down for the weekend. They're seeing the two shows currently running at the theatre and took the three Weisses and Rob-the-Intern out to dinner last night. They even came to church with us this morning!

Jeff played with the band at the new church we've been visiting (we can't call it "our new church" just yet... we're still undecided if it's where we're staying) this morning for the first time. I have to say, they rocked a bit more than usual with him up there - I know that's not a surprise to anyone. Now, this evening, to finish up our weekend of being social, we're going back to church for a potluck game night. I'm looking forward to it. We're big board game nerds, so it should be fun. Plus, there's a really great nursery, so Elliott gets to play with kids his age... all of them girls... it's just him with 4 girls! That means that I'm spending the rest of my Sunday afternoon watching baseball (GO CUBS!) and cooking... I'm taking meatballs and Reese's squares. Yum.

Hope everyone else has had a great weekend, especially Noah, on his birthday. :)


  1. "I have to say, they rocked a bit more than usual with him up there - I know that's not a surprise to anyone. "

    Aw, shucks. Thanks.

  2. Wow! I'm sorry you really didn't have much to do this weekend. So, Balderdash, isn't that the lying game? And Jeff won.....haha. I'm glad Elliott has little people to play with at church. He'll be the nursery stud that's all. I'm glad Jeff is able to jump in and get involved at your "possible new church". Any church will be lucky to have all the talent and heart that he brings! Hope you have a good week and can recover on Monday from your crazy weekend. Love and miss you guys!!!
